The gathering was great, it was held in Brecksville Reservation park...which is absolutely fabulous! Mom and I arrived late (Mapquest lied about how long it would take us to get there...and, well, I did take a little time to plant that box.) As soon as we showed up, we grabbed a little something to eat and dived right in to the stamps that were around. I have to say that Ohio boxers are some of the nicest people I know. It was a wonderful day of stamping and chatting, with beautiful weather to boot!
We spent the evening in a hotel, and Granny Butterfly and Bone Yard Recorder also decided to stay at the same hotel. We all had dinner together, and after a little down time we hit the sack. The next morning we all headed out together to Bay Village, Ohio (west of Cleveland) to find the Who's Afraid of Ghosts? series in the Huntington Reservation park. This is a beautiful park with
plenty of trails, and the letterboxes were wonderfully done. We had some trouble with the "Witch's Hill" box, and started to become frustrated. However, I would not give up on the search! We studied the clues some more, and in an "Aha!" moment, figured out where it was hiding. The clues were misleading, but we found the box none the less!

We found all of them, though Granny Butterfly had to leave before we completed the whole series so that she could get home before it became dark. When we were through, Bone Yard Recorder, my mom, and I all went to have some dinner at the Moosehead Saloon in Westlake. It is a wonderful restaurant with awesome decor...and the food was great!

Our weekend near Cleveland had come to an end, and we said our goodbyes to BYR and headed home. We thought we could stop off to find a couple boxes on the way home, but the first one seemed to be missing, and when we reached the spot for the second one, it had become too dark and we could not retrieve it. I vowed to go back there another day.