Sunday, September 7, 2008

Back in the saddle again....

Well, I've been out of my blogging routine for quite awhile. I've opened a business, and this is the first time I've ever done anything like this, so it has kept me quite busy. My business associate and I just had our Open House and I was so thrilled to see some of my letterboxing friends come in support (of course I did have a stamp for them too! :)

But now that the business is open, and the open house is over, I all of the sudden feel like I have more time on my hands...this is just a mirage I'm sure---still plenty to do---but, the big moments of it all have come and gone, and I'm excited to get back to more time for letterboxing, and keeping current with my blogging!

Of course, I have decided to stop my other blog, and solely use this one, so there will most likely be more on this blog than just letterboxing...though that consumes a lot of what I do, so it's still the main focus.

I've been blessed with meeting wonderful people through this hobby, and they have been referred to as my letterboxing family with all sincerity. I feel lucky to be in an area where we have plenty of events*...and almost anything is reason enough to have an event...because it has allowed us all to really get to know one another. We are not just participating in the same hobby, we are friends...we are family. The kindness and support that have been given me, and I have seen given to others is truly amazing.

The next event that I get to attend is called Southern Ohio Haunted Trails...of course, it's in October...Halloween and all...and the theme is famous pirate ghosts! I can hardly wait...we are even encouraged to wear pirate costumes...heeheheh...this ought to be fun!

Of course, between now and then there is plenty of time to get out there and box! And so I shall!

*an event is a planned occassion for letterboxers to get together so they may meet each other, exchange stamps, have fun, and really just get to know one another


Anonymous said...

Oh snap! When I was a teeny girl and my sister had a horse, my dad used to prop me up in the saddle in front of him and sing into my ear.."I'm back in the saddle again..." What a great memory you prompted! Dad is a huge Roy Rogers fan!

Congratulations on your new business! And I whole heartedly agree with you about this wonderful fammily we have in letterboxing! Who knew hunting tupperware in the woods would lead to such fast friendships?!


Unknown said...

Congrats on your new business. Gald to see you back. I've missed your stories and entries.