Friday, April 25, 2008
Richmond Déjà vu, part 1

Thursday, April 24, 2008
Time for a Change

I hope you enjoy the new look!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
flashback: This is Kansas
September 4, 2007

My travel buddy and I eventually ended up at Wilson State Park. There was a letterbox by Der Mad Stamper that was planted in 1999 that I wanted to look for, as well as another box by rtrw planted in 2002 along the same trail. I am so glad I took the time to go for these boxes. We ended up at the Hell Creek section of the park and hiked the Dakota Nature Trail. It was a beautiful park and the trail had wonderful views of Wilson Lake, the type of views that would change your mind about what Kansas is like.

Saturday, April 19, 2008
Scrambling to be FF

Tuesday, April 15, 2008
flashback: staying centered
September 3, 2007 One of my favorite letterboxes is one I found in Kansas. Wheathead was the first letterbox placed in Kansas, and was placed there by Der Mad Stamper in 1998. If you are a letterboxer, you should know who Der Mad Stamper is. He is a legend when it comes to letterboxing and the United States. I, ironically, did NOT know who Der Mad Stamper was when I found this box. I had just started letterboxing myself, and had not learned too much letterbox history as of yet. You can read an interview with Der Mad Stamper by Mark and Sue Pepe, who also have a wonderful web site full of letterboxing information.

Sunday, April 13, 2008
Murphy's Law
Murphy's Law states that if something can go wrong, it will. This applies to me. The first weekend of spring, that actually feels like spring, and I'm in bed. Somehow, I end up with pneumonia. What are the chances?

Wednesday, April 9, 2008
flashback: If You Plant It, They Will Come

This particular stop was one we both wanted to do...and actually had planned on doing even before I knew there was a letterbox there. If you build it, they will come...so true. How many of you saw the 1989 movie Field of Dreams? John and I visited the place where that movie was filmed. Yep, really. It's in Dyersville, Iowa, back some country roads. It was awesome! The house...just like in the movie. The ball field...just like in the movie. The corn field...just like in the movie...except, the old time players were not stepping out onto the ball diamond. You can however, play on the ball diamond as much as you like...just bring your own ball, bat and glove. We didn't have any, but John did run the bases! I took pictures while he ran, and I also found the letterbox that was there (if you plant it, they will come!) At lot of boxers had visited this spot. :)
The Field of Dreams Movie Site is open April through November, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Free admission. Souvenirs are available. Please visit their website, at http://www.fieldofdreamsmoviesite.com/
Monday, April 7, 2008

This photo is one I took of my traveling buddy while we were in Kansas. The house was abandoned...and we couldn't help but investigate. It was eerie and beautiful at the same time.
If I could just travel for a living, I think I'd be in heaven. There is nothing more rewarding to me than exploring someplace few people go, or bother to pay attention to. Of course, seeing the common tourist traps and historic landmarks are also fun, but sometimes we forget to look for the beauty that is found in the ordinary.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
more muddy, snowy trails
Out on the letterboxing trail in the Toledo area...the paths were muddy, snowy, and full of puddles...and I wouldn't let Pug splash around in it! He was ok with that though, he had a great time spending all day with keepin up with the Jones', her girls, and Bone Yard Recorder. This day was the last of our trip to Michigan and back, and Pug looks foward to getting back out on the trails again soon! :)
ending on a good note
We met up with Bone Yard Recorder near Toledo, Ohio on Saturday morning. This was the first time Jones and I have letterboxed with anybody other than each other, so we were excited. And BYR is such a great person, she is so giving and kind, and she was very patient with the kids...we couldn't have asked for a better boxing friend to be with that day. :)
We had decided to try to hunt down the boxes in the surrounding area, and Maumee was the first stop. The mini-van was parked, and we all jumped out, and started walking towards our first box. We had a great time! We ended up at a lovely tea house, Clara J's, and bought some goodies to take back home.
The searching continued over into Holland...where there were K9 boxes to be found. Unfortunately some of them were missing. And we actually stumbled upon a geocache sitting directly on top of a letterbox! The geocache was full of junk trinkets, however I did find one I could use for a cootie some day, and left something in return. We all signed in as well, since we did find it. The sad thing is, the stamp from the letterbox was missing.
We then headed over towards Berkey, and had a nice little hike in Secor Metropark. There was snow all over the trail, and the littlest Jones was in stroller, so Bone Yard Recorder, Cool K and myself went down the snowy part ourselves. The snow turned into water covering the trail near the letterbox, but we walked around it and found our prize!
The younger ones were getting a little tired at this point, and we decided one more stop was all we could do. We headed to the Fallen Timbers Battlefield. It is a very interesting place, and I would love to have spent more time there if it had not been getting late and getting cold. The little ones (and I think the big ones too) had had their fill for the day. There were plenty more boxes in the area, but they would have to wait until another (and warmer) day.
We drove BYR back to her car, and said our goodbyes. We then went to grab a bite to eat before the long drive home. It was an exhausting day, but, oh it was so fun!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
play in the snow
Friday became a day to play in the snow up in Michigan! It had snowed the night before, leaving a few inches on the ground in the morning...but then the sun came out, and alot of the snow melted away. This is the area of the only traditional box we found that day...but Pug had fun none-the-less! A dog always loves to play in the snow! Watch out for those yellow spots!!
swans on ice
We woke up on Friday, March 28th in Michigan with a few inches of snow on the ground. What a way to start the day! We did not let the white stuff deter our letterboxing plans however! Today was the first day of boxing for our Aunt, who had named herself ...for now... since she couldn't decide on anything else. So, gathering up our clues, we went out the door.
There were three adults, four kids piled in the van, all ready for some letterboxing adventure.....but, it was a bust! The first set of clues stated they'd lead us to a park where there were 8 stamps to find. We could not find the trail head where these supposed boxes were! We drove up and down the road it was on so many times, and finally had to give up. Drat.
So we read the next clues which took us to a nice little town, but again, the clues did not lead us to the box. The spot where we think it was, had a tree cut down...hmmm...maybe it's missing, maybe we're having a bad day. Whatever. Drat again. Moving on.
We finally find a box! Yeah. Our aunt's first!! She was so excited! and we were glad at least one of the boxes we went looking for was there! It was an easy location, in high need of using stealthiness, and a great carve! So, now we have to head back home.
Jones and I drop off for now, and the kids, and we take off after one more box...on our own, we think we can get it without too much dilly dallying...we have to get ready for a mini meet and greet with some Michigan boxers at 6pm. We drive out to Metro Beach Metro Park and start our quest. The clues were great! They told a story and took you through some beautiful areas. We even saw a swan on the pond...it was breathtaking. We continued with the clues...only to come up empty handed. Are you kidding? Drat for a third time! [The next day, the owner of the box checked on it, and it is missing...so, it wasn't that we can't read clues!] We head back to the house, get ready, and head to Panera for a get together with other letterboxers.
The get together was great!! We met some wonderful people, exchanged stamps, and introduced the newbies ...for now... and RailRoader to the group. We have plans on trying it again the next time we are in the area...maybe in warmer weather! :)
After the meet-n-greet, we go back to the house, pack up our stuff, and settle in for a good night's sleep. We had plans to meet up with Bone Yard Recorder to do some more boxing in the Toledo area on Saturday before we go home.
Friday, April 4, 2008
poison ivy alert
The path along the West Bloomfield Nature Preserve was quite beautiful. We were lucky enough to be warned of poison ivy along they way. Pug thought it was the funniest sight! He was having such a good time playing in the woods along the 2.6 mile trail!
on frozen ground
It was cold and damp when we woke up on Thursday, March 27 in Michigan. We had plans to do some boxing in the suburbs of Detroit, and we were taking our cousin with us for his first letterboxing outing! Jones had brought some MasterCarve and her gouges, and he carved a signature stamp the night before, naming himself RailRoader.
So donning our coats and boots, and leaving the littlest one behind (don't worry, our aunt was with her,) we set out to find some Michigan letterboxes. The first place we flocked to was Robert Long Park in Walled Lake. It's a lovely little park, complete with ponds and viewing areas perfect for birdwatchers. We saw many geese and ducks. In fact, as one of the ducks was landing, he came upon ice and slid across. The ice on the trail we walked along was up to three or four inches thick in some areas. We trekked on, and found the letterbox, RailRoader's first! He was so excited. Jones and I used the opportunity to teach him about the aspects of letterboxing...be aware of what or who is around you, be stealthy, be careful, do not disturb wildlife unnecessarily, take the box away from the area to stamp in, re-seal baggies and box carefully, replace exactly where you found it, re-hide better than found. He did very well. :) We continued on our quest, which led us to West Bloomfield Nature Preserve.
The walk through the Nature Preserve was absolutely beautiful. The trail became somewhat steep at times, and with the snow and ice still on the ground, we had to be extra careful. This time of year, time of day, during the week, we seemed to have the place to ourselves. We only encountered three other people on the long trail. We found two of the three boxes, but the third one proved to be difficult. We weren't sure if it was us or the clues. We thought we were in the right area, however we just could not find that box!...and then it started to rain. It was time to head back to the house, have some supper and rest up for the next day.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Muddy Feet
After leaving Litzenberg, we took a short drive to Van Buren State Park for a couple more letterboxes. This time of year, with the chilly weather, and being that it was the middle of the week, middle of the day...there really was not a lot of people around, making stealthiness a little easier. :)
At one of the letterboxes in Van Buren, there was a man walking his dog. We got out some sandwiches and snacks and walked over to the picnic table to eat...and wait for him to leave so we could follow the clues to the letterbox. It was an easy find, and soon, with a little food in our bellies and another stamp image in our logbooks, we traveled on. We hit the freeway, and around Bowling Green, took a break at the rest area...mainly because we wanted to find a box hidden there, but the girls needed to get out and move around as well.
It is a nice large rest area...and on this particular day, it also happened to be flooded in spots. One of those spots was where we needed to go to get the letterbox! Even the ground everywhere else was soggy and muddy...the girls were having a great time! ;) Jones and I still tried for the letterbox...we saw it, the hidey-hole surrounded by water. If we had stepped close enough to reach for the box, water would engulf our feet and ankles...we were not willing to have drenched feet for this box (well, not yet...) But then a bright idea came! We'd have to have a bridge of some sort! Jones found a long fallen branch, and pulled it over to the mini pond that protected our prize...and then carefully stepping out onto it, she was able to reach the letterbox! We would not leave empty handed! We would also not leave clean. The mud had covered our shoes, and lower pants legs...and the girls had it on them too, of course. We cleaned off our shoes the best we could, and piled back in the car and drove into Michigan. Exhausted, we reached our aunt's house before the sun had set all the way.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
can we go fishin'?
ready, set, go!
A road trip is always a good thing. Even a short one. And that's just what my cousin, keepin up with the Jones' and I did. She brought along her three girls, I brought along my boxing buddy Pug Pal, and off we took on a four day trip from Ohio to Michigan and back. We left on the morning of March 26, making a stop in Kenton for a letterbox before we headed to Findlay, Ohio.
We had a little trouble with finding the Oakwoods Nature Preserve and had to get some help from the friendly people at H&R Block. They looked the park up on their computer, and even copied the city map from the phone book for me...such sweet people! We made it to the park, and wow, it's beautiful. We plan on going back in warm weather to explore more of it. We found our letterboxes, and continued on to the next stop...Litzenberg Memorial Woods.
The trails at Litzenberg were muddy and in some spots covered in water. We maneuvered our way around the soggy places determined to find our treasure. We came upon a huge tree wonderfully sculpted by mother nature. Jones and her girls stepped inside for a photo. We found our boxes and on the way out let the little ones play at the play ground. We had been driving for awhile and still had much more time to spend in the car...they deserved some fun time. :)