September 4, 2007

You may think of Kansas as flat farm land. Maybe a tornado flying old woman on a bike after a little girl and her dog. Not so. I was traveling to a state park to find a trail where a couple letterboxes were to be....traveling along a gravel road. A gravel road that meandered up and down hills. Yes, there were fields of grass with grazing cattle...but not one old lady on a bicycle...and no tornadoes, thank God.

My travel buddy and I eventually ended up at Wilson State Park. There was a letterbox by Der Mad Stamper that was planted in 1999 that I wanted to look for, as well as another box by rtrw planted in 2002 along the same trail. I am so glad I took the time to go for these boxes. We ended up at the Hell Creek section of the park and hiked the Dakota Nature Trail. It was a beautiful park and the trail had wonderful views of Wilson Lake, the type of views that would change your mind about what Kansas is like.
The Der Mad Stamper box really made me think. I loved the clues. And although I thought I was in the right place, I just could
not find the letterbox. But I was persistent. I would most likely never be in this place again, and I had to find that box. I had to take a moment to clear my head, and rethink the clues. I was in the right area...I just had to look a little closer. And then, AHA! Oh joy! I found it. Great clues and a beautiful one could ask for more!

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