Saturday, April 19, 2008

Scrambling to be FF

There is a WOM (word of mouth) box that my cousin, keepin up with the Jones, and I wanted to go hunt down. We contacted the owner, songwriter, and made plans to meet her and her family when we got the box and all go have pizza together afterward. Simple enough plan, right?

We pull up and park. Behind us another car pulls up and parks. It's another letterboxer, KJ11!! Now, this box had just been listed, and we thought we could be the FF (first finder) for once we saw another boxer--and someone we knew, by the way--we made a mad scramble to be the first to the box!

At the shock that someone else was there, the car doors flew open, and as I grab my letterbox pack, Jones tells her girls to stay in the car. (Jones' three little girls were with us, the two year old asleep...we left them in the car, it was parked just across the street and songwriter's son was out in the yard, so we felt it was safe...they were never out of sight.)

Jones flew up the few steps that were there, I tried to short cut it by running up the small hill, which is what KJ11 was just about to do as well. I was wearing my slip on tennis shoes...and, well, they slipped off my feet. This sent me falling to my knees, clues in hand. I look up to see Jones still rushing to find a box, although she had no idea where it was--remember, I had the clues--and KJ11, having seen me fall, was now stopped in her tracks by her own laughter. I'm holding out the clues, calling to Jones, "Come get these, my shoes fell off!"

Jones continues to try to locate the letterbox using her memory of the clues...I guess coming to help me, or just take the clues from me would have wasted valuable time. I grab my shoes and stand up, putting them back on, and slowly finish my way up this little hill. KJ11 is still laughing at me, and I pass her by. Jones, is still frantically searching for the box, and I notice the spot where I think it is hidden. Jones has already gone by it. I quietly reach in, and sure enough it's there. KJ11 is still laughing at us.

It's a great stamp, with a wonderful story behind it. And there was even a bonus box...and we all got some special first finder prizes! Songwriter is so very creative, and generous.

Jones gets her girls out of the car, and we all take the time to stamp into the log, and Pug Pal (my boxing buddy,) after playing around, does his exchanges with songwriter, rifleman, Path to Eagle, and Whiz Kid...oh, yeah and that laughing KJ11.

1 comment:

k1s2c3-Jones said...

Yeah, this was so funny!!!! I missed it and the one who fell going up the hill got it first! The girls were safe as it was across the drive, like 50 feet away. They loved getting the FF prize and I think they were laughing at us. Thanks to Songwriter for the adventure and fun. Not too mention good socializing at the pizza place!